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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 69, Issue 2, pp. 305-639

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A Continuum Model for a Chute Flow of Grains

A. S. Ellis and F. T. Smith

pp. 305-329

Optical Fiber Drawing and Dopant Transport

H. Huang, R. M. Miura, and J. J. Wylie

pp. 330-347

Stationary Solutions of Driven Fourth- and Sixth-Order Cahn–Hilliard-Type Equations

M. D. Korzec, P. L. Evans, A. Münch, and B. Wagner

pp. 348-374

Mesenchymal Motion Models in One Dimension

Zhi-An Wang, Thomas Hillen, and Michael Li

pp. 375-397

Diffraction by a Nonconvex Polygon

Bair V. Budaev and David B. Bogy

pp. 398-418

Mutually Exclusive Spiky Pattern and Segmentation Modeled by the Five-Component Meinhardt–Gierer System

Juncheng Wei and Matthias Winter

pp. 419-452

Thermophoresis Due to Strong Temperature Gradients

Ehud Yariv

pp. 453-472

Ostwald Ripening in Thin Film Equations

K. B. Glasner

pp. 473-493

Nonlinear Electron and Spin Transport in Semiconductor Superlattices

L. L. Bonilla, L. Barletti, and M. Alvaro

pp. 494-513

Thermal Blow-up in a Subdiffusive Medium

W. E. Olmstead and Catherine A. Roberts

pp. 514-523

Stabilizing Role of a Curvature Correction to Line Tension

Riccardo Rosso and Marco Verani

pp. 524-551

Statistics of Polarization-Mode Dispersion Emulators with Unequal Sections

Brenton R. Stone, Gino Biondini, and William L. Kath

pp. 552-564

Impedance-Acoustic Tomography

Bastian Gebauer and Otmar Scherzer

pp. 565-576

Inclusion Pairs Satisfying Eshelby's Uniformity Property

Hyeonbae Kang, Eunjoo Kim, and Graeme W. Milton

pp. 577-595

Qualitative Analysis of a Prey-Predator Model with Stage Structure for the Predator

Yihong Du, Peter Y. H. Pang, and Mingxin Wang

pp. 596-620

Coexistence of Limit Cycles and Homoclinic Loops in a SIRS Model with a Nonlinear Incidence Rate

Yilei Tang, Deqing Huang, Shigui Ruan, and Weinian Zhang

pp. 621-639